Step: 1 Click the above logo
Step: 2 Enter payment information into the display fields
- Invoice number
- Student name
- Amount
This information can be found on the invoice provided to you by your school.
Step: 3 Enter Card Details
- Once the information has been entered, select the card type you will be making your payment with (MasterCard or VISA).
- A page will be displayed detailing the information you have entered. Double check this information including CRN, Invoice Number and amount. To change the details click on Back.
- Enter your card details including card number, expiry date and CV number.
- Click on Proceed once all information has been entered.
Step: 4 – Transaction confirmation
The payment will be processed by the CBA and a transaction confirmation will be displayed. Click on Print View to print a copy of your transaction confirmation for your records. You can also email yourself the transaction confirmation.