Our teachers will adapt the C2C units to meet the needs of their students. These year level plans:
give an overview of what students needs to know and learn in that Year Level according to the Australian Curriculum;
give a brief description of the achievement standard for that year level
give an overview of each of the units of teaching and learning
detail the related assessment tasks for each unit
provide more detail and specific learning content descriptors from the Australian Curriculum.
Teachers modify the learning experiences to suit the needs of the students in their class. The unit assessment requirements remain consistent with C2C. Standards of student performance are judged according to our school benchmarks, as well as the C2C and QSA guidelines.
A ‘unit’ of teaching and learning comprises:
Content descriptors i.e. what each students in each year level needs to know and be able to do.
A sequence of learning experiences that the teacher delivers in each classroom in order to ensure the ‘content’ is being taught
Assessment of student learning – frequently occurs throughout the unit to monitor student progress – also occurs usually on culmination of the unit in the form of a ‘unit task’; or could be a series of smaller ‘unit tasks’ throughout the unit
Feedback to students on their achievements and how they can make improvements
Reflection on the effectiveness of teaching strategies used to improve student learning.