For safety reasons, students should not arrive at school before 8.00am.
School Times
8.30am Student supervision encouraged by parents/carers.
8.40am Bell to move to classrooms. Classes begin.
10.00am Brain break (fruit snack)
10.40am – 11.20am 1st Break
1.10pm - 1.50 pm 2nd Break
2.45pm Bus Bell
2.50pm Children Dismissed
Arriving at school
Your child has a better opportunity to perform well if they arrive at school on time to prepare for the school day and formal instruction which begins at 8:40am.
Students and their parents arriving early are asked to congregate in the undercover area near the tuckshop until 8:40am. A staff member will release them at 8:40am to move to classrooms and prepare for the day.
Departure from school
Students are dismissed from class at 2:50pm (students catching buses are dismissed at 2:45pm). Once dismissed, students are to proceed home or attend afternoon programs as directed by their parents/carers.
Should a student not be collected by 3:05pm or an alternative time as planned by the family, the students are to report to the office.
Parents/carers who collect students each afternoon in private vehicles are asked to ensure that their children are not left waiting for long periods after they have been dismissed.
Parents/carers are also asked to collect their children from their classroom or the school gate and escort them to the car, especially students in Prep, Years 1, 2 and 3.
If arriving before 2:50pm please wait quietly in one of our covered eating areas, and then proceed to your child’s class after the 2:50pm bell. Please ensure the service provided by the pedestrian crossing and crossing supervisor is used and that our students have good role models to follow.
Parents are asked not to drive into the school for safety reasons.
Students collected early
Parents/carers wishing to collect students from school early are required to:
• Advise the school by note or phone of the intended early collection the day of, or prior to, the day of early collection
• Report to the Administration Office upon arrival to sign the child out. An Early Departure Authorisation slip will be issued.
If a person other than the parents/carers is to collect a child early from school, they will require identification and need to be listed on your child’s file as an approved emergency contact or family member.
Due to our duty of care responsibilities we actively discourage requests to allow students to leave our care to make their own way home unsupervised by an adult during class time. Therefore, written or verbal requests from parents/carers to 'let students go early' will be referred to a member of the Administration team where alternative arrangements will be negotiated with the parent/carer by phone.